Monday 2 March 2020

Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos, Jalisco

300 Km.

We had an early start, leaving the park around 7 a.m.   I didn't take any photos going up the hill to Compostela because the rising sun was in our eyes.  As we reached Compostela the highways opened up to wide open country instead of the narrow winding jungle road we had just climbed.

Near Compostela

Love this highway.

Very bright morning

Giant cacti 

We arrived at RV Park Chapala around 1:00 pm.  The road was paved right to the park but narrow, and a surprising amount of traffic.  We were told to blow the horn and the gate would be opened for us.  We stopped by the entrance on our left and blew the horn which was followed by a whoop from the Police behind us.  They got out and started directing traffic while one officer came and asked why we were stopped on a curve in a narrow road.  Just as we started to explain, the gate opened and a lady came out and started explaining too.  The police directed us in while stopping traffic.  We were apologizing.  They were very nice about it and absolutely right.  It is a small campground a little tight for larger rigs although there are a few long term folks living here in big rigs.   Once inside we came down a slight incline and did a short loop and parked.  

Looking from inside park up to entrance gate.

Our rig is second on right.

Looking back up towards exit ramp and gate

The view from the campsites is very nice.  You can see Guadalajara way off in the distance to the north, and we are looking forward to a night view.  Washrooms and showers are very nice, as are the people.  Good spot for smaller rigs or if you are planning on staying awhile and seeing the area.  Great wi-fi and electric service 20, 30 and 50 amp.

Starting from left of view 

Quite breezy up here

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