Thursday 10 November 2016

November 10 - Stormy night

Last night we had sheet lightning, rain and wind.  It was lovely until we woke up around 2:00 a.m. as our neighbour and her sister were trying to put their awning down.  I got dressed and went out to help.  Then we assessed the winds and decided we had better lower our gazebo and take the top off and roll in our awning too.  Cam and I got the gazebo down and neighbours came to help us take down the awning.  If you have followed the blog in the past you know high winds are nearly cause for a social event in the early hours but we all went back to bed.  However, in the morning our awning needed adjusting and we had plenty of advice.  We learned a lot about our awning and others and as someone said it's not a good day until you learn something.  We could start the La Peñita high winds awning takedown competition. We are all getting pretty good at it.  I'll bet the 5 of us had our awning and its sunshade, tie downs and flappers down in less than 3 minutes in the stormy dark.

The morning dawned a little cloudy but quite lovely.  The scent of damp vegetation and flowering plants heavy in the air.

 Mexican Bird of Paradise - vine


Crinum augustum (Swamp Lily)


The Allamanda fruit is a schizocarp containing two to four seeds

The park finished the palapa at the oficina.

We were lazy today and didn't get out shopping so we went out to Wanda's in Rincon for dinner.  Burgers were fantastic as usual.  

La Peñita has many cocina económica  restaurantes.  These are small, usually family run, serving traditional Mexican food.  I don't think our system is ready for a visit to one of these but maybe one day.

Restaurante La Cabanita Cocina economica 

1 comment:

Amy and Rick said...

Nice flower pics. We found a dandelion blooming fresh yesterday. Nice to hear you have a bit of excitement happening down their, you wouldn't want to get too relaxed! We are still enjoying what is definitely a nice stretch of Indian Summer. It might come to an end next week with flurries back in the forecast.