Monday 6 February 2017

February 4 & 5 - J.E.E.P & spay & neuter clinic

I spent yesterday and today at J.E.E.P.  Saturday was the usual cleaning of kennels as well as cleaning the veterinary room for the spay and neuter clinic today.  About 6 vets arrived this morning from surrounding towns, some from as far as Compostela.  The animals were operated on in the clinic area while we volunteers manned recovery stations in the kennels.  Once an animal was done we had to monitor its temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate and turn it over every 15 minutes.  Ears were wiped, toenails were clipped on dogs, any ticks removed.  I had a young cat for two hours as the recovery period from the anesthetic for cats is longer than for dogs.  We also had to put in eye drops to keep their open eyes from drying out.  It all went well and I learned a great deal.   Jose (my usual taxi) and I gave a lady and her still sleeping chihuahua a ride down the hill on the way home.

The kitty I had to watch.  

The cat was a stray but lucky enough to be going home with a retired vet who will find a good home for him.

It was a sea foggy morning. 

Kennels are large and airy.  She is unimpressed.

This shelter like many others requires old towels, old beds, and volunteers.  Before you throw out towels, old pet toys, leashes, consider giving them to a shelter.  No matter what country you are in.

Today the volunteers were Canadian, American and Mexican not much difference there other than a minor language difference although actions proved to be the driving force not words.  

1 comment:

Amy and Rick said...

Bastet will be pleased with your work!