Monday 28 January 2019

Back road from El Monteón to Lo de Marcos

We set off to drive on the "rural" road from El Monteon to Lo de Marcos yesterday.  It runs between the ocean and the highway through agricultural land.

Leaving El Monteón the back way

 Looking back at El Monteón

 Pineapple field

We crossed a couple of small streams running across the road so I had to get out and make sure they weren't too deep for the CRV.  The last one proved to be too deep so we had to backup and then turn around.  There were a few small creatures swimming about but no snakes that I saw.

Hmm, this one is pretty deep

Egrets and Caracaras following tractor

Wild banana trees

Sunday 27 January 2019

Jícaro tree and J.E.E.P. fundraiser

I saw a very interesting tree near Las Varas.  This amazing tree (Crescentia cujete) is known in Mexico as Jícaro or Cuastecomate.  The Huichol Indians use its dried fruits to make maracas which they sell in the market.
It is also known as the Calabash tree. The hard-shelled fruit can grow 10 to 30 cm and grows directly off the trunk and branches.

La Peñita continues to be busy and work progresses on the sidewalks and sidestreets. 

Wednesday we went to J.E.E.P. for the annual fundraiser in the afternoon.  We helped set up and then a friend and I sold tickets for beer, wine, and soft drinks.  We also sold 50/50 tickets.  There were 335 dinners served and a silent auction.  A very good turnout.  The Mexican band was great.

View from J.E.E.P.

Dr. Phil offered consults for a donation.

Selling tickets and meeting a friend from the past

Big crowd

Driving home from La Colonia the other day,  Cam had an interesting truck pass him.  

Saturday 26 January 2019

High Tide

We had a very high tide on the day of the eclipse.

 Washing into the estuary


Tuesday 22 January 2019

Playa Las Tortugas

We drove out to Playa Las Tortugas today.  It was a lovely drive through a very agricultural area and several small towns.


 Town square Zacualpan


 Banana trees in distance


Que pasa???

 Entering Playas Las Tortugas

It was a small beach area with numerous restaurants and a huge area for parking cars and buses.  It was pretty much deserted so most likely a weekend destination.  We prefer it just the way it was today.

It was the middle of the day so my birding efforts didn't pan out.  We headed back to La Peñita for lunch.