Monday 14 January 2019


I've written about the day and about the night.  It's time to address dusk.  

As we sit on our patio at dusk it is a special time. A changing of the day shift to the night.  The whale is still jumping against the setting sun.  The temperature is dropping and the dampness setting in.  A fine film of moisture begins to form. Light from sunset sparkles against the foaming surf of low tide.  The white and silver stark against an ever darkening background.

 Ibises and egrets fly into the lagoon returning from day feeding areas.  Bats emerge to fly swiftly, silent against a blue pink sky.

Yellow-crowned and Black-crowned Night herons lift from the lagoon.  They are on their nightly trek to feed on the rocks below us.   We watch them fly silhouetted on a now dark grey blue skyline. Their croaking voices heard against the ocean breakers.  A comforting sound, a reassurance of consistency and ritual in nature.

Far down the beach in La Colonia a few people are still having a late swim or sitting in the sand watching the sunset.  Supper is still hours away here in Mexico.

Nocturnal insects begin to sing.  Each different species joining in, each in accordance with the dying of the light.

Life is transition and consistency.  Knowing change will come while much remains the same.

A few brief moments to reflect upon the day gone by and anticipate the adventures to come.

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