Saturday 30 November 2019

Trip to Puerto Vallarta

Today, I went to PV with Teri.  The new highway is under construction alongside the old one and crosses over in places.  It was Saturday so the workers were minimal and there was not much for delays.  We left at 7:30 a.m. and got back at 1:30.  We had a stop for medicine from the vet for their dog and a quick Costco shop.  It's a good thing we can pretty much get whatever we need in La Peñita now.

Then the drive out again.

Thursday 28 November 2019

Photo Ops

We haven't done much.  A few walks into town and a few short drives.  The weather is hot and humid.  Cam loves it.  He, Kirk and the iguana are taking in the sun.

We went for a drive to get plants for the garden but the lady said they wouldn't be in until Monday.

Ooh, you wouldn't want this guy getting too close with that rebar.


I have been practicing with my new camera.  You will have to excuse the not so great photos as I learn to use it.  Overall though the camera is way better than my iPhone.

Fishermen off the beach below our patio

They set the net in a circle then haul it in.

Doesn't look like they caught much

I was up early this morning to try to get some photos before the sun got hot.


Painted Bunting

White -collared Seedeater female

Fig tree from our patio

Century plant grows noticeably every day.

Tough looking but only about 6 cm long

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Magnificent Frigate bird (female)

Magnificent Frigate bird (male)