Friday 22 November 2019

Nov 22 - Getting settled

We have been busy getting settled here.  We visited the new Bodega Aurora (supermarket) here in La Peñita so we don't need to drive to Las Varas anymore.  This is just as well considering the construction we passed through on the way here.  Then the bank to get money for the rent.   A friend and I walked into town today to get a few more items we forgot.  We took a cab home and we had beer with us.  The other cabbies started teasing our cabbie that he was off to get drunk with those women.  I smiled and said in Spanish that it was too early to drink.  They all blanched until I laughed and our cabbie was beet red.  Hah, you know what they say about assumptions.

Cam and I got our haircut here in the park at the big palapa overlooking the ocean for 70 pesos each this morning.  Carlos came and chopped down the vines and small trees which had shot up in our absence to obstruct the view.  I gave the interior of the RV a passable cleaning as well.  Laundry will go out tomorrow.

Marteen and Monica came with their wash and wax crew and did the Brave.  The CRV is mañana.
They now have 2 crews and vehicles.  Five of them spent 2 hours at it for the princely sum of 71 Cdn.
It's very shiny, even the tires.

Tonight Kirk and I went for his late night walk and I took a flashlight.  I usually don't.  As we walked into a darker area I turned it on and there about 3 ft in front of us was a 5 ft Boa constrictor snake.  It just continued slowly on its way across the road and into the trees and another line of campsites.  Kirk didn't seem to notice and I wasn't about to point it out.  Whew, we would have stepped on that guy,  there would have been a ruckus.  The first night we were here and out for our walk I heard someone yelling "fire".  An RV up on the hill had caught fire and burned completely.  Luckily the people and their dog were also out for a walk.  However, they lost everything including their passports.  These were not full time RVers so at least it wasn't their full-time home.  The fire department arrived but it was a total loss and the Class A RV next to it is also probably a loss due to the heat damage on its side.  Friends of ours had been in the campsite next to it for several years but had moved 2 sites over from us this year.

Tomorrow we can start the next phase of getting our site ready for the season.    

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