Thursday 28 November 2019

Photo Ops

We haven't done much.  A few walks into town and a few short drives.  The weather is hot and humid.  Cam loves it.  He, Kirk and the iguana are taking in the sun.

We went for a drive to get plants for the garden but the lady said they wouldn't be in until Monday.

Ooh, you wouldn't want this guy getting too close with that rebar.


I have been practicing with my new camera.  You will have to excuse the not so great photos as I learn to use it.  Overall though the camera is way better than my iPhone.

Fishermen off the beach below our patio

They set the net in a circle then haul it in.

Doesn't look like they caught much

I was up early this morning to try to get some photos before the sun got hot.


Painted Bunting

White -collared Seedeater female

Fig tree from our patio

Century plant grows noticeably every day.

Tough looking but only about 6 cm long

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Magnificent Frigate bird (female)

Magnificent Frigate bird (male)


Lyndon said...

That zoom is working great on those pescadores. Have you considered selling calendars?

Anonymous said...
