Tuesday 3 April 2018

Fredericksburg, TX - updated

We drove through flat lands of willow and marsh grasses and then began the climb up into hill country.  It was quite lovely with Juniper trees, Pines and a wide variety of deciduous trees.

We arrived at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park in Fredricksberg, Texas in early afternoon.  This is a lovely park with great nature trails. The park provides checklists for wildflowers, reptiles, mammals, insects and fish.  Probably also for birds but wasn't one there at the time.  There is a small airport next door which was quiet at night and provided some entertainment for Cam and in the afternoon, kind of like bird watching for me.

Texas Blue Bonnets

Kirk and I walked 2 nature trails.  There was a very nice bird blind where there was a variety of birds including cardinals and Black-chinned hummingbirds.  It was a warm and humid afternoon.  The trails went through a real mix of vegetation.  Prairie, woodland, riparian, a clash of tropical and woodland.

Texas Blue Bonnet Lupines

Sensitive Briar

Rain Lilies

Some hard uneven rock sections

Rain Lily

Bluebell Gentian

Trail winds along a stream

Little outcrops with water dripping under ferns along the stream

Horse crippler cactus

Campground is across the field in the distance

Lots of little fishes

Blooming Horse Crippler cactus

Overlooking small lake

Lake has catfish, bass and crappies

Bluebell Gentian



Kirk and I will explore more of the park tomorrow.  It was great to be in forests again.

413 Km.

1 comment:

Meagan said...

Yikes, those Kirk Crippler cacti look sharp. Lovely photos! Nice to live vicariously as spring hasn't yet arrived here. Maybe next week.