Monday 13 April 2015

Burleson, TX

Big thundershaker last night after midnight.  The day dawned beautiful and sunny.

On the road today, up Highway #77 to Burleson, TX, just south of Fort Worth, TX.
Texas looks a lot like Manitoba in July right now.  The Bluebonnet Lupines, Indian Paintbrush, and many other wildflowers line the highway and spread across the fields.

Indian Paintbrush

Calves are already getting big and some crops are 'headed out' and a foot or more high.

Alas, we stopped around 4:30 p.m. and did not have time to visit the local attractions which included Billy Bob's Botanical Gardens and the Stockyards.

563 Km. today.

1 comment:

Amy and Rick said...

Great to hear you are on your way! Hope you dodge all the weather in the middle. It was very windy (gusts to 70kms) today and +10 so the last of the snow banks are rapidly disappearing. Unless we get some new stuff you won't see any when you get home