Friday 30 October 2015

October 29th - Sinaloa

I like Jeff Gerwing's Elk Centaur better, but it's hard to argue with the sheer size of this guy.  Unknown significance (hard to stop to investigate when in a convoy)

The morning after the night before.  Tecate store parking lot, Emigdio Ruiz, SIN

Well, it looks like the late start was ill-considered.  We had rain, impossibly rough roads, and construction, lots of construction.  And, just as we crossed the state line into Sinaloa, as the sun was setting, one of the class A's dumped it's Allison transmission, luckily, in one of the few places to pull out of traffic we saw all day.  We stayed overnight in front of a Tecate (brand of beer) store, at a agricultural inspection station.  We each gave the guard 50 pesos, and Nancy gave him and his buddy a handful of Kitkat bars.  The plan this morning (30th) is to find out how bad the tranny is (Allison dealer in Los Mochis, about 50 Km. south) and then make a decision.  Mazatlan is about 478Km.

302 Km.

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