Friday 14 April 2017

April 14 - Squalls, Snow, Sunshine - Repeat until Moro, OR

We left Klamath Falls at 8 and drove through a series of weather events through Collier National Forest and on to Moro.

Sheep country around Klamath Falls.

Entering Collier State Park

 Hmm, luckily the road was wet.

 Beautiful with changing light and cloud.  Photos don't capture it.

 Leaving the state forest.

Alpacas, also Prairie Dogs.

Near Bend, Oregon

A lot of small Squalls on the horizon mostly rain and sometimes snow.

We saw a large herd of elk in this area but no photo.

More Squalls to drive through.

We managed to leave the rain and snow behind and camp in sunny Moro.  Sunny for now anyway.

I didn't mention in earlier blog posts that we have seen Mule Deer, Bighorn Sheep (by Walker Lake) and Pronghorn Antelope (in areas with sagebrush) during our travels through Nevada and California.

392 Km.

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