Monday 2 January 2017

January 1 & 2 - Feliz Año Nuevo

Well, New Year's day was spent cleaning the inside of the Brave, afternoon on the patio, Hamburgers from the pool restaurant followed by movie night at home and a brief excursion to see the Mexican/Gringo karaoke night by the pool.  It was the usual mix of the very good, the bad and some ugly.

The beach was entertaining as usual.  Some enterprising guys from Rincon came over in a panga (boat) and managed to lure about 12 people off our beach for a ride into town.  Problem was they didn't all decide to go at once so the panga started off about 4 times and had to back up to the beach for more.  Quite the battle in the waves.

The morning walks continue, today the beach in town was full of pelicans diving for bait fish.

Magnificent Frigate birds perched near beach.

Today, Cam joined us for coffee at our usual spot.  The military is in town staying on alert expecting protests because of the increase in the price of fuel.  However, La Peñita is an unlikely spot for that and it was only the one small unit that we saw, most likely sent out to make us all feel secure..

Military driving through town while we have coffee.  Gracias por su seguridad.

How the afternoon was spent.

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