Thursday 24 October 2019

Tule trail

Yesterday was spent relaxing, laundry, pool time and grocery shopping.  Today, we did a little sightseeing.  Kirk and I started to hike the Tule trail but a short intense down pour sent us retreating for the car.

There are a lot of shore fishermen everywhere you go here.  In kayaks, in waders and straight off the piers or shore.  We drove out to Goose Island State Park hoping the Whooping Cranes would be there.  There was a bit of excitement when we heard cranes but it was just Sandhill Cranes.

Black-necked Stilt

Water hyacinth

Boardwalk on trail


There have been short intense rain showers all day as a couple of storms come in off the coast.
Of course, this brought out the toads tonight!  Kirk managed to get a lick on one while I wasn't't looking and spent 5 minutes spitting and snorting.

Couch's Spadefoot Toad

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