Saturday 11 January 2020

Second boat comes in with huge haul of fish!

Yesterday we had the first fishermen come in on the beach with their net and I blogged it.  Later in the afternoon another boat pulled a huge net into shore.

It all started with the pelicans going into a feeding frenzy just off our beach.  This means big fish are chasing little fish to the surface.  This attracted the fishermen.

Pelicans diving

The fishermen ran a circular net around the fish and started hauling it in to shore.  There are lead weights on the bottom of the net and floats on top so they drag it in slowly.

Pelicans looking for small fish in the net.

Heavy work pulling it in.


It took a long time to haul it to shore.

All Crevalle Jacks

Crevalle Jacks

Everybody getting into the work.

The fish were thrown into the boat.  This was the most fish I have ever seen caught here like this.  A tremendous achievement for these fishermen.  Everyone was excited, yelling and laughing.  The air was electric with glee.

Time to gather the nets neatly and load them in the boat too.

Now we just have to get the boat off the sand.

Oh oh

Hmm, not that way.

Maybe this way, nose first.


A few big waves and a lot of rocking and away.

Common engine, Yes!

Off they went to La Peñita waving goodbye to us.  Friends saw them loading the gutted and iced fish on a truck today in town.  Probably headed off to disperse it to other towns.  These guys probably had a big cerveza celebration last night.  They earned it.

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