Thursday 13 February 2020

First Dorado!!

We set out at 6:15 this morning for our second outing with Enrique.  It looked a little rough but he said we would be fine.  So after a little wrestling with the boat in the waves on shore, off we went.

Hey where's our Capitan?

Aha, just down adjusting the radio.

It was really rolling out there but we were soon distracted by a school of Chula with 3 of them biting at once.   

Enrique landing a Chula for us

We had several dolphins running in front of the boat then behind and to the sides, you get the picture. They were having fun.  I didn't get a photo.  Too much bouncing on the waves, and they were incredibly fast.

I brought in a beautiful Dorado.  They are a spectacular colour when in the water but this fades quickly once they are landed.  I have to get the photos and video of this event from a friend so I will blog it in the future.  Even though it was not a very big fish, my arms were aching after it was over.

Back in Rincon

Our catch

On the way back into Rincon,  Enrique and I talked about eating fish.  He said the head of a Dorado makes a good soup.  I asked him what he put in it and how he cooked it.  When we landed his wife came out and gave me the recipe.  I was pleased that he had told her I understood enough Spanish to be able to read it.  So I asked him to cut the head up for me.  

Sopa de Pescado Recipe

Enrique cut up the head.

Finished, I just had to pull out the bones then add back the potatoes and carrots.

We shared out the Dorado fillets and soup with friends and neighbours.  It was delicious.

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