Tuesday 4 February 2020

Rain, Rain, Rain, Sunshine

We have had more rain this year than the last 3 put together.  This is still not a lot of rainy days considering we only had about 2 last year.  It started raining on Sunday and continued until this morning then sunshine and then a brief but heavy shower this afternoon.


Painted Bunting

Tropical Kingbird

Rufous Hummingbird

Century plant continues to grow and flower.

Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater

Today, the fishermen were out in force.   Three boats were setting round nets but none seemed to do well.

Another boat looking for signs of fish.

This guy has found a pool of fish jumping.

Here come those fishermen.

Dropping the net in a circle around the fish.

Pelicans still fishing the centre.

Hmm, doesn't look like they got much.

I'm outta here!

How is that first boat doing?

Slowly pulling in that net.

The second boat comes over to see what they get.

Those 2 guys in the first boat are not in a hurry.

A lovely morning

Two hours later it poured rain again.

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