Sunday 30 December 2018

Chiliquili - (Chee lee kee lee)

It is a rainy day so I'll tell you a story about a cat named BC or maybe ......Chiliquili.  

A few days ago, I heard an ATV stop by our RV and a very excited Mexican lady saying "Chiliquili, Chiliquili".  The first time I didn't go out until it crossed my mind that she may have been talking to the cat.  By the time I went out, the ATV was long gone.

The next day she was back while I was away and Cam heard her.  Yesterday I was home and she returned.  I went out and she asked if she could pet the cat and I said hopefully "Sure, is he your cat?"  She was busy talking to him and calling him by name and so happy.  She spoke very good english.  She told me that they came to the park for Semana Santa this past Spring.  This was just when we left so the cat went over to their RV.  They have a big Class A and also several other trailers for their friends and relatives to stay in here in the trailer park.  In fact, Gary and Cindy stayed in one of those when they were here.

The cat even got to sleep in their RV.  She wanted to take him home to Puerto Vallarta but her husband (like mine) told her that this was the cat's home and she must leave him here.  She was worried about him and glad to see him again at our place.  I told her she can come and see him anytime since they will be here for the next 3 months.  They will be moving their RV up near us for Semana Santa so hopefully I can leave his bed with her when we go.  However, he'll probably move into their RV again.   She already has 3 cats in Puerto Vallarta so she does not think she can take him.  They are good friends with friends of ours in the park and were away traveling in Argentina most of last season.  So we will see how this all turns out.

Stormy weather

 Fishermen's motor quit and had to land on our beach

 They took the engine and went back to town


Kevin Read said...

And here I thought you were talking about food... as in Chilaquiles!

Cam said...

Good point, we'll ask her the story behind the name of the cat.