Saturday 24 January 2015

Across the Missouri

Well, another successful day of wandering.  The day dawned bright and clear, with the highway frosted, but not slippery; on the road at 7:30.  It clouded over as the day progressed as we scooted south with a large front threatening from the west.

We left the freeway (29) at Watertown, SD and followed Highway 81 south.  This old highway goes through the towns along the way, giving you a lot better feel for the country you are passing through, and the folks you are passing by.  The downside was itwas primarily worn cement, with the dreaded rocking horse thump, thump,thump.  

Stopped for a pair of coffees in Lake Poinsett, at the local coffee hangout, which was across from an ice covered lake, complete with 1/2 tons and ice fishing shacks.  A woman behind the counter had just moved there from LA.  Her father summered here, and wintered in the Phoenix area (which is where the conversation initiated) which came highly recommended.  Twice through the conversation, she looked out the window at the ice fishermen, and marvelled that she just could never get used to seeing people driving on water.

Saw our first hawk, a Redtail, sitting in a treetop, surveying his domain.  Hints of green are appearing here and there.  We crossed the Missouri at Yankton, SD.  While we were stopped there for a train, a guy in a new blue Subaru Outback rolled down his window and started a conversation.  Used to live in Carmen, and had lots of friend in Winnipeg.  Wanted to know what kind of mileage we got with the Bigfoot with towd, as he was thinking about getting one.  The train went by, we said our goodbyes and rolled on.  But only across the river, where we stopped for lunch at a lovely closed info centre, perched high on the bluff with good views.  Lunch, a nap, Nancy and Kirk went exploring, and we had the place all to ourselves.  I’ve assigned Nancy as official blog photographer, we’ll see how she produces.  I promise to get more pictures and maps in here, once I figure out how.  

We’d like to fill/bleach our fresh water tank, and get our onboard water functional, but no local campgrounds are running till April.  Ended up Walmarting it in Columbus, NE.  A good 30% of the Walmart crowd was Mexican.  A good match with the mid-west when you think about it.  Hard working folks, with family and religion high on the list of priorities.  541 Km. today.   All new country, and a day well spent.

1 comment:

Amy and Rick said...

Last time we were in Nebraska we were towing a 26' sailboat!