Wednesday 28 January 2015

Across the Rio Grande - but not into Mexico

Morning was clear, mild, and windless. Kirk was ready to go; he was born ready.

The country was flat and dry, down past Alamogordo, the only agriculture was pistachio trees

White sands missile base really does have white sands.  Holloman airforce base has F-22s and Luftwaffe Tornados, but I didn't see anything in the air 8-(  We crossed the Rio Grande at Las Cruces.  It runs north - south at this point, still north of Mexico.  Absolutely no water in it, more of an arroyo than a river.

Pulled into a RV park for the day in Deming, NM.  We asked if there was a truck wash in town, and the owner said you can wash it right on your site.  Nancy decided we needed a nozzle for the hose, and made a couple of mile round trip hike to the local Walmart.  Then she decided to wash the Accord, which badly needed it after the trip.

Then she decided she would touch up the Bigfoot, which was also filthy.

Then she decided in for a penny, in for a pound and washed the Bigfoot!  She will sleep well tonight.  

Sorry for the blurred focus, but I wanted to illustrate what happens when you take potato chips packed  and sealed at 725 feet up to 5,000 feet.

296 Km. today


Amy and Rick said...

So I noticed the supervisors chair in the photo of the Accord. What does the supervisor drink while he is in New Mexico?

Cam said...

I was the supervisor and squirter-offer. Still nursing my Appleton's from home.