Monday 26 January 2015

Tucumcari (Tehachapi to Tonapah) New Mexico

Got an early start, on the road before 7 am, trying to get a jump on the rock n roll winds forecast again.  Started in Kansas, across the Oklahoma panhandle, through the top of Texas, and into New Mexico.  We climbed in elevation all day (Tucumcari is 4085 feet), and things got drier and the vegetation sparser as we went along.  Nancy spotted the first Yucca plant in the ditch before we left Kansas, and the first cacti (Beavertail and Cholla) soon after.  West of Dalhart Texas, there were two feedlots with somewhere around 100,000 cattle each, arranged on semi-circular slopes draining down to a lake of sewage in the centre.  It was horrific, makes Brooks, Alta. look like a church camp.  Seriously, it was almost enough to make one turn Vegan.
We actually paid for a campsite tonight, hooked up to electrical, and filled the fresh water tank with a bleach mixture to de-winterize and sanitize.  We'll drop it tomorrow and half re-fill the fresh water for use on the road.  Nice to have a flushing toilet again.  I couldn't figure out why everything but the kitchen sink facet worked fine, and put in a quick call to Stylings RV (home of fine RV repair/maintenance).  They said to pull the tap screen, probably has scale in in.  Yep.  10 Second fix.  Thanks, Chris.
We found disturbing amounts of snow along the way.  Our campground host said that Tucumcari had two 10" dumps of snow in the last three weeks, unusual in that they seldom get more than an inch.  None left here now; it was 22 here today, but we are pressing west in search of more heat.  Now plotting tomorrows travels, still not decided.  545Km. today.

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