Sunday 25 January 2015

Blowing into Kansas, and our little dog, too.

We had rain overnight in Columbus, thankfully, because it knocked the top 1/2 inch of crud off of the Accord, leaving only 1/4 inch in place.  Then the wind came up around 9 pm.  Weather said 25 - 35 mph, gusting to 45 mph for the next 24 hours.  The Bigfoot rocked in the wind, but it was a good sleep, oddly comforting, kinda like sleeping in the boat. We dawdled around Sunday morning, hoping it would die off.  Heated water on the stove and took turns having a standing bath in the shower; what luxury!  We filled up with gas and hit the road.  The wind was pretty much north/northwest so the 350 km. drive south, on smooth, divided 4 lane highway, with the engine barely idling, was a cakewalk.  We refueled at Hutchinson, and headed southwest across the 40 mph. northwest wind  The divided 4 lane highway became a narrow two lane, with steep ditches.  Out in the open, we heeled like a sailing ship, and with wind to no-wind exposure, the Bigfoot required a firm and persistent hand to keep her in our lane.  We checked the weather which predicted no letup til dark, so we called it a day at Pratt, KS.  Yep, Walmart.
Saw our first opposum roadkill at Osceola, KS, much further north than I figured they'd be.  Also saw small flocks of meadowlarks soon after; what a treat to see them in January.  Distinct greenery in some fields and low wet areas.  504 Km. today, discretion being the better part of valour.


Amy and Rick said...

Nice map Cam! Nancy where are the pics?

Meagan said...

I agree! More pictures!

Cam said...

As we slow down, I promise to get some pictures into the mix.