Friday 23 January 2015

Geese in January

We got a relatively late start, leaving the yard and our very depressed cats at 8:30 am, Kirk victoriously accompanying us.  Luckily, the late start gave the snow and frost time to melt, leaving the roads sloppy, but wet.  The cloudy day cleared to bright sun with a brisk WNW wind.  We were boarded at Customs, but only for a friendly and cursory inspection.  
When we were hooking up the Accord last night, we discovered we only had a single key.  Since it is necessary to tow with a key in the ignition in the Accessories position to prevent the steering from locking, this was problematic.  At best, it meant we could not lock the car while towing, and at worst, it could mean the car could be accidentally locked with the only key in the ignition.  We stopped at Honda/Nissan of Grand Forks, who cut us another (expensive) key.  The road slop resulted in the poor Accord going from shiny blue to lumpy grey.  We had a few exciting moments navigating the Bigfoot/Accord combo through their tight lot. (Zero backing up with the car attached, zero).  Next on the list was a mighty grocery shop, filling the Bigfoot with everything we couldn’t get across the border.  
We don’t have much snow at home this year, but it petered out completely south of Grand Forks.  Just north of Fargo, with the sun below the horizon, amazingly to me, there were thousands of geese, all flying at about 150 feet AGL.  I thought geese wanted open water before they would winter, but clearly these guys were not going any further than they had to.
We’re at Dakota Magic Casino for the night; free parking, but Nancy’s in the casino…..

So, 525 Km today, Accord is towing well, and we’re all stocked up.

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