Saturday 26 December 2015

December 26 - Boxing Day is really birding day

This morning we had our breakfast rudely interrupted by a raucous noise resembling a bunch of kids with birthday horns.  Twas a small flock of Chachalacas.

I saw this large brown chicken like bird in Brownsville Texas earlier this year so it wasn't a first sighting but still fun.  While I was watching them in the tree by our campsite I noticed a Citreoline Trogon.

Returning to breakfast, we were visited by a Yellow-rumped Cacique (below).

The hummers didn't like him.

Other than that, we spent the day watching the whale watching boats as they followed some dolphins who appeared to be busy around some fisherman's nets.

Also, Eduardo showed up.  He's the fabric guy who is going to sew us a sun screen for the awning, as well as an end piece, both for privacy and for sun/heat protection.  He's going to ask his cousin in PV to price the fabric, then he'll get back to us with a cost.  He's going to do the work on site, custom, to fit.

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