Saturday 5 December 2015

December 4th - A slow trip to Puerto Vallarta

This morning we ran Terry back to his hotel in Puerto Vallarta.  It was a very slow trip through the mountains; we (and 20 or 30 others) were following a double semi-trailer full of dry cement which alternated it's poor under-powered engine with 5 mile per hour up-hills, with it's poor under-powered brakes with 60 mile per hour down-hills.  The road is narrow, twisty, and a lot of vertical changes.  Even the all-black, three full combat outfit men in the back of the 1/2 ton, with large weapons, red and blue lights flashing federates were consigned to trundling along in convoy until we came to a village where they could bull past.  You know when the Primero bus can't get past a moving obstacle, you might as well sit back and enjoy having a good slow look at the scenery.  Which we did.

On the return, we stopped in Bucerias at a well-equipped vet recommended by TTK in the park.  She spoke excellent English, gave Kirk a thorough examination, confirmed the original diagnosis, and modified the eye ointment regime slightly.  Apparently, Kirk is starting to develop cataracts (age and genetic related), which has nothing to do with this episode, and his eye irritation/infection is clearing up nicely.  Then, since we did not require any medication from her, she refused to charge us anything for her services. !

I waited in the car, and noted that the store next to the vet already was in the spirit of the season and had it's Feliz Navidad decorations up.  Nancy went to aquafit when we got back.  We visited with some neighbours for supper, and stayed up chatting until 9:30!!  Supposed to go down to 19 tonight, so we got out the quilt...

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