Sunday 13 December 2015

Decmber 13th - Sunny Days

8 C in San Diego this morning, 2 in Tucson, 13 and massive thunderstorms in Rockport, 24 and sunny in Zephyrhills; there's not much question where you need to be in the US, if warm is your purpose.  I don't think we've been under 20 C here in La Peñita.  After a day and a half of rain, the day dawned bright and clear (just in time for Terry's sailing/snorkeling tour).  With the humidity wrung from the air, I can see details on the far set of mountains to the north that I did not know was there.

Found out this morning that the point north of us is called alligator point.  Can you see it?

7 am Sunday morning, and half of the park is out cleaning up after the storm, hosing the red mud off patios, putting things out to dry in the sun, and generally re-establishing order over chaos.  Our patio is a bit tricky this morning, wet ceramic tiles have an amazingly low Canadian runway friction index, combined with a slight slope to a low wall and a long ways down.  Our mentor in all things Mexican, Terri, was over first thing, to rig and hang a solar light bulb (which she donated) so that we will have light under the canopy.  She also borrowed us the correct open end wrench so we (I'm using the Royal we here, meaning Nancy did it) could torque down the loose toilet mounting bolt.  We were lucky to catch this before malfuntion, since toilets and fridges are quite hard to replace/repair in Mexico.

With all the rain over the last day and a half, the local creeks are running fast and dirty.  The swamp north of us accumulated water until it finally breached the sand wall in the beach, and sent a slug of brown, fresh water (also with, unfortunately, the runoff from the streets of the town) into the clear, blue salt water of the bay.

Beach is cut down about 8 ft high on the right 

Hmm, wonder where the 6 ft croc went?

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