Sunday 27 December 2015

December 27 - High winds

It was a lovely calm morning.  Kirk and I were out under the gazebo, watching the beauty of the rain moving through the bay out front in waves of mist and drizzle.  Then a front came through that was a little more energetic than the others.  And the next was stronger.  And the next.  Having no experience with the wind at this site, we hoped it to be a temporary phenomena, so we stood and held the canopy corners, still enjoying the rain and wind.  And it got stronger.  We have reasonable protection from the trailer to our west, the trees on the cliff face below, and because we are back a little from the lip.  We lowered the canopy til it was only three feet from the floor, which took it out of the wind considerably.  Our Bigfoot awning was out, but largely sheltered from the wind, and tightly constrained by the nylon strap tie-downs, it was doing fine.  Still, the wind increased.  The trailers below us were suffering from a venturi effect, and their roof protecting tarps were beating themselves to death in the gale.  A posse of four or five guys were out, trying to secure the tarps.  We tied our canopy down to the wall, to prevent the wind from getting under it and blowing it away.  And the wind got stronger.  We finally removed the fabric canopy top, and left the frame lowered and secured to the wall.

Nancy, literally, holding down the fort.

Our neighbours were trying to tie down larger tarps and helping others,

But the fronts kept on coming so we decided to take down the canopy

A small frenzy of activity is often a good social event.

The windsurfer off our patio was having a great day.

The wind only lasted a couple of hours, but the rain continued on and off for the rest of the day.  I spent the day cooking since we had cool weather and we finished off the day playing a new card game with friends.

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