Sunday 20 March 2016

March 20 - Happy Spring!

Well it was a quiet day.  I washed out the Bigfoot, bathed Kirk and scrubbed the mildew off Cam's lawn chair.  Put out the lawn chairs, mat, etc.  We met an interesting fellow and his 4 Jack Russell's.  He and his wife "hunt" the terrier's which means they hunt opossum, raccoon, ground hogs and any other burrowing critter.  They also show them at competitions for agility and hunting.  A paper bag is tied to a long string and pulled through tunnels, burrows, and jumps.  The Jack Russell's are timed and graded on their agility.  He said it's not to late for Kirk and he liked the look of Kirk's head.  Maybe there is show business in Kirk's future.  A couple of his dogs are getting old and arthritic, too bad there isn't a Wellness centre for dogs.

Saw a Cardinal today and the 2 lovelies below.

Tonight the Sheep frogs, Green Treefrogs, Texas toad, and a couple of species as yet unidentified were calling in the marsh across the road.

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