Friday 15 December 2017

Rain, Wind & Waves

We awoke to the sound of rain and wind against the constant roar and crash of the ocean.  We went  out and took down our rear canopy and put in our awning during a brief respite in the weather.  It is a tropical storm and the wind is warm on our skin.  No need for coats in fact it would be too hot.  Everyone was checking on their neighbours and lending a helping hand where needed.

I stood on the patio for awhile feeling the caress of wind and water.   Leaves scattering around me from the huge fig tree nearby.  Palm trees swaying, fronds rustling, whispering in the breeze.  The Magnificent Frigate birds sailing above and around me.  Truly sailing, cutting through the gusts, on the breath of the sea.   I felt immersed in the environment, in the motion, in the huge expanse of sea and sky, no longer an onlooker.

The weather is supposed to remain the same tomorrow and perhaps even until Sunday.  An opportunity to experience a different aspect of our surroundings.  Still, I am glad Carlos got the bricks and trench in!  

We had our Spanish class in the late morning and made a trip to the grocery.  Otherwise we stayed indoors, cozy in the RV.

I can only express today in words as photos would be rather blurred.  Meanwhile, I present you with some photos taken on earlier jaunts into town.

Yes, another Rooster 

This fellow greets us on our walks every day.

El Gato

A dove cote

Looks like Collared doves.

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