Wednesday 7 March 2018

Marzo - a month of goodbyes and anticipation

March is the month we have those last dinners with our friends, watch people pack and depart, and begin the process of last minute purchases, travel decisions and packing up ourselves.  Marteen is coming to wash the RV and car tomorrow and we are packing stuff to leave here in Mexico in the bodega.

Dinner at Vista Guayabitos

Spring in Mexico, the trees are flowering

We will miss our friends, the Mexican lifestyle, the food, and the margaritas.

Coconut shrimp

Enchiladas mariscos

I have been enjoying those last walks into La Peñita.  Although yesterday I encountered a large snake about 5 to 6 ft long on the jungle trail down to the park gate.  He was snoozing in the sun along the wall and I wasn't paying attention so we both got a surprise.  Luckily we both came out unscathed.  Probably a rat snake.  The one Tacho says is "a good snake, keep him".


There has been a major push on to clean up the area and the streets along our walk into town have been cleaned and garbage cans installed.  A woman was burning a few leaves along the street yesterday and I said " tu calle está muy bonito" and she smiled and said "Gracias".

This street had a lot of garbage, nets, & old junk before

We have less than 2 weeks left and look forward to another travel adventure with some new stops and roads along the way.

Esperamos regresar a México el próximo año.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that street. What a transformation!