Saturday 28 December 2019

Holiday Happenings

Well, the park has been filling up and just when you think we are stuffed to the brim, Antonio stuffs in a few more tents and RVs.  The beach has had more people than usual and is a splash of colour.

Early in the week


It is much busier than on any other year we have been here.  Yesterday, the highway was backed up several kilometres all the way from the stoplight in La Peñita to the far end of La Colonia.  The trip into Rincon took an hour for friends.  Others who planned a trip to Bucerias and back by early afternoon ended up staying there overnight.   

Rainy day today.

 Every piece of ground available in this park has a tent or a vehicle on it.  There is a taco stand, a bakery stand and a fruit drink stand all day.  As well as extended hours on the park restaurant.

Mexicans celebrate January 6th, called "Dia de los Tres Reyes Magos" (Three King's Day) as the day for gift giving.  In fact, it is a whole holiday season from December 3rd through February 2nd so things will continue for another week or so.  

We had a nice Christmas dinner at the pool on December 25th.  The decorating committee did a great job as usual.

Why yes, those are the icicles we were working on a few blogs ago.

An interesting light idea with used plastic margarita glasses.

We walked into town today and it wasn't too crowded in La Peñita.   It is the highway that is packed.  Friends who left town with our bags in their Razor got home at least 20 minutes later than we did walking. 

There are still some quiet back roads where life goes on quietly.

Yum, coconut.

I can't reach!

1 comment:

Ophiella said...

These are such great decorations! I really like the tree in the pool, and the relaxing Santa.