Thursday 5 December 2019


In the morning, I fed Chililò and was putting out the chairs.  I said "the least you could do Chililó is move out of the way".  He did, since cats are firm believers in doing the least.  He has totally settled in to his old routine.

Several of us walked into the market. They are building a 5 condo complex right outside our back gate.

The market was not very busy as it is not really tourist season until mid-December and we were early.  The crowd consisted mostly of those of us who live here for part of the year and Mexican families buying produce.  Many of the vendors recognize us now and you have to have a little conversation.

Whenever the market is on there is hot food available.  We noticed the taco contents have been upgraded since last year.  In the past it was mostly organs.  Too much development and tourists, things are changing.  Although it is still chopped on a couple of cut tree slabs.

Meat boiled and spiced then chopped for tacos.

Mostly pig feet and hocks and some other cuts

Chayote squash

Shrimp, prawns, crayfish, octopus, crabs and fish

Table runners

Handwoven, muy carro! (expensive)

Gotta love that little prickly guy.

The side street we walk down to get to the Main street of La Peñita has been totally redone!  Topes and all.

That is a grande tope

Green Heron fishing by the bridge.

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