Tuesday 13 December 2016

December 13th - Hablas español? !Matar a la araña!

Last night just before I was to go to bed, Cam said don't be upset but there is a humongous araña (spider) on our bedroom roof.  Ack!  Having duked it out with several spiders in the park showers when we first arrived, I knew the fly swatter was out of the question.  I got out our trusty dirt-devil vacuum and nabbed him.  Then I had to make 100% sure he was in there so I took the canister to the park showers.  Suddenly in the shower there was a big spider on the wall beside me.  Was it my spider?? Escaped from the vac hole in the canister? I exited the shower stall and dumped the contents of my canister in the centre of the washroom floor, then poked it about, there was our spider - DOA.  I cleaned up the floor and left.   We haven't had any intruders other than itsy bitsy ants so I think he came in when Cam opened our vents to run the air when he started the Brave yesterday.  Cam claims he came in with the dog and I.  Regardless, folks here say they are harmless.  I say ack!

I went for a 6 km walk around the area and into Rincon with the ladies this morning.

Crossing the bridge of life into Rincon

Gringo Gulch in Rincon

We returned to the park in time for our first Spanish lesson this year.  There are 6 of us in class.

Painting parts of an RV next to our lesson in the Community Centre

I also had time to visit the vegetable truck next to the clubhouse in the park.  The truck comes once a week.  It carries a wide variety of goods from a supermarket in La Peñita.  We actually saw them loading the truck while we were on our walk in town and one of our group ran over and asked them to also bring a litre of milk for her.

Buying goods from the truck

Juices, wine, tonic water, cabbages, soft drinks, etc

Cereal, vanilla, pineapples, coffee, etc

Beer, vegetables, & fruit

No cartons, unless you bring one.  You take your eggs home in a plastic bag

It was also Taco Tuesday.  So we finished with dinner up at the big palapa with the last of the super moons rising.

Buenas noches

1 comment:

Meagan said...

If you have to answer 3 questions to get across the Bridge of Death, how many did you have to answer to get across the Bridge of Life?