Monday 26 December 2016

December 25th & 26 - Driving tips, festivities and Mexican delivery

There' s a lot of questions around driving in Mexico.  This is a reasonable summation: Tips, Secrets, and Advice for Driving in Mexico  Other than watching for topes (speed bumps of various sizes), I find the trickiest part of driving an RV in Mexico is that, if it has dual rear wheels, it is considered a heavy truck.  This means that in urban areas, you have to stay on the laterals that run parallel to the main route through cities, and you may have to take an entirely different truck route.  The signage for this is frequently very difficult to see (or not there) and easy to miss when navigating a new town or city.  The Traficos or Policia know this and watch very carefully for infractions.

The Christmas bonus (Aguinaldo) is law in Mexico: The Christmas Aguinaldo in Mexico

A few photos from the Christmas eve piñata bashing:

The pool area was decorated for the dinner Christmas day.

Cute idea for reindeer

Our table

Not Ho Ho more like oh oh

Cam and company

A great time was had by all.  It's a good thing we don't dance, some Mexican campers joined the party for the dance and they make the rest of us look stiff.  Wonderful to watch though.

Boxing day, I walked with the ladies in the morning then we enjoyed watching the busy beach activities.  There was a volleyball tournament with 2 Canadian teams, one American and several Mexican teams.  Mexico won.  Lots of kids and dogs running around and Mexican music, kind of a nice break from the usual quiet.  I was at the office and a young boy was asking Antonio to blow up his tire tube so he could go on the playa.  Antonio had a small hand pump and it was pretty hopeless.  When Antonio shook his head, I said "I've got an electric tire pump".   I don't think either the boy or his dad understood a word I said but they followed me to the Brave.  Then we headed back for the CRV,  however a curious neighbour said his car was right here so we plugged in the pump and blew up the inner tube.  Saved the day!  They departed happily with many "Gracias".

Since it was Boxing day I decided we'd get supper in a box.  When Karina at the office called the restaurant they said no servicio a domicilio only takeout.  However, Karina said that she could call Tony R. who would pick it up for us on his motorcycle for 20 pesos.  It was a deal.  An hour later we had Thai food. Tony will also go to Rincon for 30 pesos.  Gotta love certain things about Mexico.

1 comment:

Amy and Rick said...

Great to hear you had a good celebration the last 2 days. We have been resting today and digging out, although we had no where near the snow that south of us. Brandon is buried.