Wednesday 14 December 2016

December 14th - General blithering

It was my turn to go and see Dr. Raúl this morning, on a non-serious matter.  No matronly receptionist here, but an attractive young woman with the full monty make-up, nails, and hair!  It was very interesting; blood pressure, temperature and pulse recorded by the latest in machinery and recorded by the woman on my ticket before seeing the Dr.  After a two to three minute wait, I was ushered into his office.  His English was much better than my español, and we successfully worked our way through the communications required.  $550 MXN so far, but I have to return for a blood sample tomorrow.

On return to the park, I saw Tacho, the lead hand in the Park with forty years tenure, and maestro fixer of anything, getting on his bike to run an errand.

He normally rides a newish shiny yellow 125 street Suzuki. 

The all-important license plate.

This time, he was mounting a very new, black 125 Suzuki.  I asked him "?Nueva moto?" (new motorcycle) In perfect, un-accented English, he explained that it was his son's bike, and gestured as he told me that it had no plate.  Since his son had to go to San Blas today, he and Tatcho had switched bikes for the day, since Tacho's bike had a license plate, and would not incur the undesirable attention of Transito or Policia.  It's a very nice bike, I told him.  Thanks, it is quite nice, he said, and drove away.

Razor with lit deer on top and Santa in back

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