Monday 12 December 2016

December 11th & 12th - Loud retorts

The nights have been increasingly peppered with random explosions at all hours, I think in an effort to keep folks awake as part of the pilgramage for Our Lady of Guadalupe .  The local churches set off
loud firecrackers day and night during celebrations.

The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City is the most visited Catholic pilgrimage site in the world, and the world's third most-visited sacred site.  December 12th is a holiday for much of Mexico in her honour.  It is celebrated during the 12 days preceding this date.   I have long since habituated to the fireworks, and even Kirk, who formerly vocalized his displeasure with loud retorts, has managed to remain asleep.  Those of you planning on visiting take note as there always seems to be a reason to set off loud retorts at least occasionally and it may make you leap from your bed the first night it occurs.

Other than that we had eggs benedict for breakfast at the pool Sunday followed by late afternoon appetizers and margaritas at a friends followed by hamburger night at the pool.

Today I joined the 7 a.m. walking club to put on about 5 km, then hair cut (60 pesos) at the big palapa,  aquasizes at the pool and dinner at the pool.

View from big palapa

These absolutely calm mornings, there is a lot of dew, the Brave and the canopies are dripping.  I started the Brave and ran it long enough to come up to temperature and burn off any condensation in the engine.  I also ran the dash air conditioning to keep all the seals in shape.  Then we ran the generator and the roof air conditioners.  Hopefully running the engines will also discourage any geckos, spiders or other undesirables from taking up residence in the motorhome.  This is diarized to repeat every two weeks while we're parked.

Ivan dropped by today; hopefully our Spanish classes will begin for the year tomorrow.


Meagan said...

What an amazing life you guys lead down there. So relaxing, so lovely, so warm. -34 here, -47 with windchill

Anonymous said...

Come south Meggie. Only - 21C in Wpg.

Meagan said...

Balmy! I plan to very soon.