Saturday 7 March 2015

March 6th

Kirk seems to, at last, be over his stomach issues.  On the other hand, he had a run under a bush at some critter, likely the wily white-tailed antelope squirrel, and got a poke. What a surprise, everything in the desert is sharp, poisonous, or both.  So he’s a little squinty in the left eye tonight.

Nancy did some trails today, while Kirk & I did not.  First was the White Tank Trail, named after some local mountains, not the large white water tanks (which are everywhere on hillsides, since wells are non-existent).  Next up was the Hall of Horrors Trail, those naturalists will stoop pretty low to get folks on a trail.  (This turned out to be a trail to rock climbing sites-Nancy)  After that was Cap Rock Trail, and since we were in the area, another look off the Keys View. The Faults were still dormant, although I heard there was a small quake off Vancouver Island, maybe loosening things up…  After lunch, a beverage and a snooze in the sun.  After sitting and relaxing for 10 or 15 minutes, Nancy went of to explore the wash behind the campground, and found the backside of skull Rock.

Desert Paintbrush

The batteries don’t seem to be charging the way they should.  We’re running the generator during legal hours (sorry R&A), which charges them at 13.6/7 volts, but with the furnace running at night, it’s taking quite a bit of generator time to keep them over 12.4 volts.  Likely time to replace the house batteries; I lust after a large set of 6 volt batteries, and maybe a couple of rooftop solar panels to make boon docking electrical issues a non-event.  Oh yeah, Jumbo Rocks Campground is $10/night. 

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