Sunday 22 November 2015

November 22nd - Fishing some more

This morning I took Kirk for his constitutional, then grabbed coffee, my fishing gear and some Mahi Mahi as bait and went down the beach to a breakwater.  I knew the time was right as the local Mexican fishermen were also out.  (No those aren't oilies I'm wearing here)  Luckily our neighbour and his dog came along and took these photos so I didn't have to try for a selfie.  

I got a bite and pulled in my line and discovered that my concern over the weight of my line was unfounded as the fish simply bite the hook in half!  I threw the pickerel rig back out with the remaining hook and managed to get a rockfish or maybe it was a grouper  (about a foot long) in as far as the edge of the rocks before he bit the hook in half again. 

Hmm, better "man up" my fishing gear

I put some other heftier hooks on but only had a small amount of bait left which I ran out of just as the Sierras (mackerel family about 18 inches) showed up and started making the little silver fish leap from the water.  I changed to a fish-like lure but with no bait they just darted after the lure and then away.  The sun was getting hot so I went back to the campsite and Cam drove me to town for some Camaron (shrimp).  I put some bigger hooks on and am ready for tomorrow morning.

Fishermen in the river casting nets

Bet that takes practice 

We ended the day with the fish and chips Sunday special at the park restaurant.  

There have been 2 different owls hooting in the park.  One is probably a Colima pygmy owl which was spotted in the bushes earlier this week.

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