Sunday 29 November 2015

November 29 - Veterinaria

Well Kirk had squinty eyes last night and this morning they were nearly closed shut.  So I boiled some water to make a saline solution and rinsed them.  Then went fishing while we waited for a reasonable hour to see if a vet would be open on a Sunday morning.  The fishing was great as the ocean was nearly calm and the water was clear.  We watched the fish chase our hooks.  There were large yellowtail jacks, needlefish, puffers, sargents, rockfish, and some other large dark fast ones, etc.
I caught a needlefish and released it.  He was having a hard time getting going initially so I quickly named him because you know how it is in the movies when you don't have a name.  The Mexican airforce (brown pelicans) were already circling but he made it.  My fishing partner caught a perch like fish and lost 3 hooks to something larger.

Needlefish (Henry)

Then Cam and I went off to the Veterinaria with Kirk.   It looked closed but the door was slightly ajar so I went in.  There was the vet, a painter painting the office and 2 americanos with their golden retriever.  The americans were just leaving and the vet looked at me and said we are not open, is it an emergency.  I said that my dog couldn't open his eyes, probably an infection so he said come in.  He gave us antibiotic eyedrops and wrote a note for the pharmacy so I could get some other eyedrops from there as well.  Kirk has to have both for 5 days.  He also wants to see Kirk again on Wednesday.  So the total bill for the vet on emergency Sunday, and both medications was $120 pesos slightly less than $10 Canadian.  Viva Mexico!  Kirk is slowly improving, no more crabbing at the beach for him with sand in his eyes.

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