Thursday 9 November 2017

Farewell, and Lunch in Chapala

The other Class A in our group, and the folks with the bumper pull trailer headed out this morning, bound for La Peñita RV Park.  They arrived safe and sound, with only slight navigational adventures, around three this afternoon.  Nancy and I are staying with our friends until their truck is diagnosed and repaired.  The Lake Chapala area is quite lovely, with much to explore, and we're set up in a very nice RV Park, so waiting about is no hardship.
Our sole task for today was to go to a restaurant named, funnily enough, Isla Cozumel, in Chapala for lunch.  It's only 37 Km. from here by road, but there is much to see, the road is strewn with topes and winds through several little towns along the lake, so it took us over an hour to get there.

The restaurant is located on the south end of the town square, right on the waterfront.  The food was good and priced reasonably, and then we discovered that a full meal, which we had all ordered, came with THREE margaritas, for free!

Lake Chapala Malecon

Luckily, I was driving and settled for a Tecate (no Pacifico), well, OK, two.  When we arrived back in Roca Azul, we heard that our friend's truck had been successfully diagnosed, repaired, and was ready for pickup.  It was determined that we would depart in the morning at 8:30 to pick it up.  We enjoyed a campfire evening.

1 comment:

Amy and Rick said...

Horray for the girls to get their truck fixed so quickly! Obviously not the turbo.
Have a nice stay and enjoy the heat, we are going to be -21C here tonight.